Wings of War 018
Our second all green Fokker Eindecker is the one flown by Max Immelmann, the
'first' German aerial ace and also one of the first to receive the 'Blue
Max' presented by the Kaiser in 1916 along with Oswald Boelcke. Immelmann is
credited with 15 victories but was killed by the crew of an FE2 'Pusher' in
1916 aged 25 years old.
Once again this aircraft comes with 2 pilot figures, is priced at $399 plus
P&P and is limited to 7 in number worldwide.
A special thanks to Uwe Philippi from Germany and Bob from Florida who both
pestered us here at TGM to make an Immelmann Eindecker, despite our
reservations! I am very happy to say we followed through with their
recommendations and the final result is really something special.